Time Slip

The day I took this I had to stay in my hotel room and work when I wanted to go out and take pictures. Nonetheless I got the idea to setup my camera and take multiple exposures throughout dusk and evening, this being the result. I was fortunate to have a nice view this week, usually I’m on a much lower floor looking at other buildings. This picture has multiple exposures combined, sunset on the top and evening on the bottom. I guess you can say I am moved time around to suit the shot.
The day I took this I had to stay in my hotel room and work when I wanted to go out and take pictures. Nonetheless I got the idea to setup my camera and take multiple exposures throughout dusk and evening, this being the result.  I was fortunate to have a nice view this week, usually I'm on a much lower floor looking at other buildings. This picture has multiple exposures combined, sunset on the top and evening on the bottom. I guess you can say I am moved time around to suit the shot.
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Yesterday I resolved to take a short walk and stopped by this lake. I’ve taken and posted others from here so I almost walked by. In the end I liked the shot an am beginning to realize that no matter how many times I’ve photographed a particular place, there are infinite perspectives to record and share. This is Hidden Lake in Stanley Park, it’s one of several I’ve posted from this location and, …probably not the last.
Yesterday I resolved to take a short walk and stopped by this lake. I've taken and posted others from here so I almost walked by. In the end I liked the shot an am beginning to realize that no matter how many times I've photographed a particular place, there are infinite perspectives to record and share. This is Hidden Lake in Stanley Park, it's one of several I've posted from this location and, ...probably not the last.
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YVR is the designation for Vancouver International Airport. Thousands of these florescent lights hang at odd angles throughout the airport. On this morning before a flight home I caught the attention of the cleaning staff as they looked at me and wondered what the heck I was taking a picture of.
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Siwash Rock

In Vancouver, at the furthest point along the Stanley Park seawall trail is this unusual formation known as Siwash Rock. Native Americans assign importance to this and the first time I saw it I too felt something special. It is the home of a couple of Canadian Geese which I know because I hiked to the overlook a few weeks ago and could clearly see the two, one resting and one surveying the sea. I’d think that among geese this is a coveted place to call home. Nonetheless, hundreds if not thousands of cyclist, joggers and hikers pass this rock each day. Seems like a great place for people watching, …especially if your a goose.
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Downtown Arts

After several days of typical rain I (and everyone else) headed out for a walk around the city. From the looks of it the flowers enjoy the rain and are now growing abundantly throughout downtown Vancouver. Just about everywhere you look you’ll see public art. This sculpture sits in a park across from the Vancouver Art Museum. Unfortunately they don’t allow cameras inside and I wasn’t about to part with mine, so that will be saved for another day.

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Lights From Above

This is the downtown section of Vancouver viewed from Grouse Mountain ski lodge. I’m not sure in what other North American cosmopolitan city folks have access to the slopes with public transit, but in Vancouver it’s not uncommon to see people standing at a bus stop with their snowboard or skis. This evening I took a tram and was rewarded with a spectacular view. While there I met other photographers and a poet from Brazil, it seemed everyone was inspired by the vista. I had no trouble using up two or three hours taking photos and enjoying the view.

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Olympic Fountain

By day this is a fountain. A few weeks ago I noticed huge flames coming out of it, which is when I realized this fountain is in fact the Olympic torch, …silly Florida guy. Nonetheless, I guessed something important must be up, so I grabbed my camera and headed down the street to get this shot.

I thought perhaps some Olympic delegation must be town for a meeting. I mean, they don’t light the Olympic flame for just anything, right? Later I asked someone at the hotel and it was explained rather matter-of-factly that if you have ten thousand dollars they’ll light it up for you. Really? The Olympic flame? Now, thinking back, as I was composing the shot, a gentleman and his wife walked out of an adjoining restaurant and into a waiting limousine right in front of the torch where I was standing. Just before the man stepped inside, he took one long look at the flame and remarked to his wife how bright it was in real life. If I didn’t know better, I might guess that he was the guy that paid to have this burn for his dinner. But that’s just my musing, such as it is.

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Empty Mountain Cafe

As I was here on a Monday afternoon, the Chalet cafeteria was closed. I was waiting for the sunset so I ducked inside as I thought the wood beams and neatly stacked chairs kind of interesting. I quickly setup my tripod before anybody noticed but just then a kitchen staff walked right by me without even taking notice. Either they thought I belonged there or they get a lot of folks with cameras and I was just one in a long line. Nonetheless I got the shot and didn’t get kicked out, chalk one up for the good guys.

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