
This is the rose garden trellis in Vancouver’s Stanley Park. When I took this it was too early for all the roses to be in full bloom, nonetheless I thought the setting idyllic, especially when you consider that the bustling city is just a few short steps away. If you come here in the evening around dusk you can have the whole place to yourself. I can’t think of a better way to unwind from a busy day than walking through a rose garden in Stanley Park.

This is the rose garden trellis in Vancouver's Stanley Park. When I took this it was too early for all the roses to be in full bloom, nonetheless I thought the setting idyllic, especially when you consider that the bustling city is just a few short steps away. If you come here in the evening around dusk you can have the whole place to yourself. I can't think of a better way to unwind from a busy day than walking through a rose garden in Stanley Park.

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Walking around the seawall of Stanley Park is spectacular and scores of people do it every day. However if you ever walk through the interior forested paths it’s a completely different experience. These are Snowberrys that bloom in June and July. I imagine that after I finished taking this picture the fairies came back out and returned to their duties, …whatever those may be.
Walking around the seawall of Stanley Park is spectacular and scores of people do it every day. However if you ever walk through the interior forested paths it's a completely different experience. These are snow berries that bloom in June and July. I imagine that after I finished taking this picture the fairies came back out and returned to their duties, ...whatever those may be.
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Lost Lagoon 4

The reason I call this “4” is because I’ve taken three other shots from this same location. I try not to repeat myself, but on occasion I can’t help it. I took this night before last when walking back to my hotel through Stanley Park in Vancouver. The path was pretty much deserted, and I found out why after I setup, lots of mosquitos. In any case, this is a typical evening glow that residents of this city enjoy. No wonder everyone is so mellow here.

I've taken three other shots from this same location. I try not to repeat myself, but on occasion I can't help it. The path around the lake was pretty much deserted, and I found out why after I setup, lots of mosquitos. In any case, this is a typical evening glow that residents of this city enjoy. No wonder everyone is so mellow here.
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Yesterday I resolved to take a short walk and stopped by this lake. I’ve taken and posted others from here so I almost walked by. In the end I liked the shot an am beginning to realize that no matter how many times I’ve photographed a particular place, there are infinite perspectives to record and share. This is Hidden Lake in Stanley Park, it’s one of several I’ve posted from this location and, …probably not the last.
Yesterday I resolved to take a short walk and stopped by this lake. I've taken and posted others from here so I almost walked by. In the end I liked the shot an am beginning to realize that no matter how many times I've photographed a particular place, there are infinite perspectives to record and share. This is Hidden Lake in Stanley Park, it's one of several I've posted from this location and, ...probably not the last.
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Siwash Rock

In Vancouver, at the furthest point along the Stanley Park seawall trail is this unusual formation known as Siwash Rock. Native Americans assign importance to this and the first time I saw it I too felt something special. It is the home of a couple of Canadian Geese which I know because I hiked to the overlook a few weeks ago and could clearly see the two, one resting and one surveying the sea. I’d think that among geese this is a coveted place to call home. Nonetheless, hundreds if not thousands of cyclist, joggers and hikers pass this rock each day. Seems like a great place for people watching, …especially if your a goose.
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Sunset for Geese

This is another sunset at Lost Lagoon in Vancouver’s Stanley Park. What captivated me was that in the heart of this city, not a single person stopped here to enjoy the sunset except these two geese. Frankly, they looked quite content to be here and didn’t mind one bit that I was taking their picture, or at least the picture of the sunset with them in it. Geese are people too, right?
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Spring in the City

Winter can last so long that some of us need visual cues that it’s coming to an end. Such was the case when I walked by these plants in the city park. Until this point, it never even dawned on me there would be an end to winter. Irrational yes, but very good news nonetheless.

Spring In The CityWinter can last so long that some of us need visual cues that it's coming to an end. Such was the case when I walked by these plants in the city park. Until this point, it never even dawned on me there would be an end to winter. Irrational yes, but very good news nonetheless.


This little fella decided to move in, but you can see he has a lot of catching up to do. In 2006, Vancouver experienced a devastating windstorm the effects of which can still be seen. With change comes renewal and this little cedar is evidence of that never ending cycle. From the looks of it, he has a lot of sturdy neighbors to keep him company through the many years as he grows to eventually tower through the canopy and see the sunrise on one side and the sunset across the Pacific Ocean on the other.