Under the Granville Bridge

The thing about Vancouver is it’s hard not to find a good view. Everywhere you look there seems to be something interesting to look at. I think that’s one of the things that makes a great city, the visual appeal. Years ago I used to work in New York City. When I first arrived I’d be walking around looking up at all the sights around me. Later, as time when by I found myself looking down at the sidewalk as I walked to the subway or wherever. And when I saw someone looking up I knew they were a tourist. I guess that’s the nice thing about photography, now I never lose interest in what’s around me. I’m less likely to get pulled back to the norm of looking down and living in my own world. Vancouver is one of those great cities where if you keep an open eye and an open mind, you’ll see something at every turn and every corner.

The thing about Vancouver is it's hard not to find a good view. Everywhere you look there seems to be something interesting to look at. I think that's one of the things that makes a great city, the visual appeal. Years ago I used to work in New York City. When I first arrived I'd be walking around looking up at all the sights around me. Later, as time when by I found myself looking down at the sidewalk as I walked to the subway or wherever. And when I saw someone looking up I knew they were a tourist. I guess that's the nice thing about photography, now I never lose interest in what's around me. I'm less likely to get pulled back to the norm of looking down and living in my own world. Vancouver is one of those great cities where if you keep an open eye and an open mind, you'll see something at every turn and every corner.

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Light in the Mirror

I’m not much of a furniture buff but place it in a castle and turn down the lights and suddenly my imagination seems to take over and I’m transported away from this world. Mostly I imagine the scenes of past ages playing out with me as a bystander, as though watching a movie or viewing a prior life. Certain music does that to me also, for instance when I listen to Loreena McKennitt scenes and emotions from a different place and time play out. So it is that when I take photos like this they are not so much about the furniture but the images they evoke in my mind and the portals they open to other worlds and other times. But then a hotel guest walks by in flip flops and I’m brought back into this world.

I'm not much of a furniture buff but place it in a castle and turn down the lights and suddenly my imagination seems to take over and I'm transported away from this world. Mostly I imagine the scenes of past ages playing out with me as a bystander, as though watching a movie or viewing a prior life. Certain music does that to me also, for instance when I listen to Loreena McKennitt scenes and emotions from a different place and time play out. So it is that when I take photos like this they are not so much about the furniture but the images they evoke in my mind and the portals they open to other worlds and other times. But then a hotel guest walks by in flip flops and I'm brought back into this world.

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Another Century

Despite the old world look, this picture was taken this summer while in Banff. This is the front of the Banff Springs Hotel and is usually crowded with cars, buses and people coming and going. However, if you’re eager enough to get up at the break of dawn you just might glimpse a view that’s perhaps more reminiscent of the old glory days. Not much of the Banff Springs architecture has changed in a hundred years and walking inside or around this structure you appreciate the old world grandeur normally reserved for faraway places and long passed eras. In any case, I was just glad to get this shot before the first tour bus pulled up about five minutes later.

Despite the old world look, this picture was taken this summer while in Banff. This is the front of the Banff Springs Hotel and is usually crowded with cars, buses and people coming and going. However, if you're eager enough to get up at the break of dawn you just might glimpse a view that's perhaps more reminiscent of the old glory days. Not much of the Banff Springs architecture has changed in a hundred years and walking inside or around this structure you appreciate the old world grandeur normally reserved for faraway places and long passed eras. In any case, I was just glad to get this shot before the first tour bus pulled up about five minutes later.

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Remember When

This is an iconic apartment building on Vancouver’s west end which is about fifteen stories high. At the very top, overlooking English Bay, is this tree that you can’t help but notice. It’s a strange feeling you get from this tree, isolated, by itself at the top of a building, in full view and exposed to the elements. I glance up at it every time I pass by and think surely there must be story here, but what? On one of those occasions there was a double decker tour bus stopped in front with everyone looking up and listening to the guide. As I walked by this is what I heard; that the purpose of this tree was to remind everyone how tall the trees here where before they started cutting them all down to make room for the apartment buildings. I have no idea if that’s true, but it resonated in a way that I cannot forget.

This is an iconic apartment building on Vancouver's west end which is about fifteen stories high. At the very top, overlooking English Bay, is this tree that you can't help but notice. It's a strange feeling you get from this tree, isolated, by itself at the top of a building, in full view and exposed to the elements. I glance up at it every time I pass by and think surely there must be story here, but what? On one of those occasions there was a double decker tour bus stopped in front with everyone looking up and listening to the guide. As I walked by this is what I heard; that the purpose of this tree was to remind everyone how tall the trees here where before they started cutting them all down to make room for the apartment buildings. I have no idea if that's true, but it resonated in a way that I cannot forget.
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1252 Burrard

I could make something up about this but that just doesn’t seem right. The fact is I was walking back to my hotel and noticed this and, well, I’m influenced by Thomas Hawk and I think to myself, that’s a Thomas Hawk shot! So this is a Rick Schwartz pretending to be Thomas Hawk shot. And if you thought this is a lame bit of writing, or even a bit weird, that makes two of us. Just look at the photo and pretend you never read this.

I could make something up about this but that just doesn't seem right. The fact is I was walking back to my hotel and noticed this and, well, I'm influenced by Thomas Hawk and I think to myself, that's a Thomas Hawk shot! So this is a Rick Schwartz pretending to be Thomas Hawk shot. And if you thought this is a lame bit of writing, or even a bit weird, that makes two of us. Just look at the photo and pretend you never read this.

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