Riverwalk Regatta

Earlier this year our town had a regatta. Silly me, I thought a

Earlier this year our town had a regatta. Silly me, I thought a “regatta” involved sailboats. Little did I realize these Formula 2 boats would be racing around a track in the river. They closed the main bridge over the river so you could get right on top of the action. These guys/gals are pushing the limits of physics as they try to remain stable on the water at extreme speeds, even so one of flipped upside down on a turn. The pilot was okay and the race continued. So NOW I know what a regatta is all about, silly me.

Fisher Meadows Pond

I took this in Avon which is just outside Hartford CT. It was late December so there was a chill in the air as I arrived before dawn to walk around the pond. This was just after sunrise about halfway around. The best part of being here early is the stillness of the water and the reflections that result.  I finished the hike and headed to the airport to return home to Florida for the holidays.
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I took this in Avon which is just outside Hartford CT. It was late December so there was a chill in the air as I arrived before dawn to walk around the pond. This was just after sunrise about halfway around. The best part of being here early is the stillness of the water and the reflections that result. I finished the hike and headed to the airport to return home to Florida for the holidays.

Tampa Bay from St. Petersburg Florida

The view from St Petersburg Florida as I looked out across Tampa Bay.  In summer we go from wind a rain to a peaceful calm. This day happened to be one of the latter. The water on the bay was like glass as these sea birds snatch fish from the shallows. I waited for the perfect moment when the birds were in perfect position and took this picture. This is one of my favorite from the area.
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The view from St Petersburg Florida as I looked out across Tampa Bay. In summer we go from wind a rain to a peaceful calm. This day happened to be one of the latter. The water on the bay was like glass as these sea birds snatch fish from the shallows. I waited for the perfect moment when the birds were in perfect position and took this picture. This is one of my favorite from the area.

Path Between Two Beaches

Between Coquina and Bradenton Beach is this walkway with shade and picnic tables. On account of the rain and wind it wasn't too busy today, nevertheless it was pretty warm and quite a few were at the beach anyway. I walked along this between the two beaches and then along the beach for a spell watching the waves and enjoying the warm wind blowing in off the Gulf of Mexico.
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Between Coquina and Bradenton Beach is this walkway with shade and picnic tables. On account of the rain and wind it wasn’t too busy today, nevertheless it was pretty warm and quite a few were at the beach anyway. I walked along this between the two beaches and then along the beach for a spell watching the waves and enjoying the warm wind blowing in off the Gulf of Mexico.